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The Mr. Fringe Interview (Part 2)

When we last left Mr. Fringe, he was in full recovery mode. Healing himself with heavy doses of early Black Sabbath, Pantera and King Crimson with a bit of Jagermeister his memory was coming back slowly but surely. He recalls being captured by The Party Of No and being tortured all in the name of ending RNR. While he was captured against his will, his brothers in RNR worked hard at channeling their frustrations through music for The Lunatic's Fringe second album. At this point Brumby our fearless Wild Horse of a Bass player has gone missing! They don't think he was taken by The Party Of No as he tends to party a bit too much and have random black outs. None the less The Lunatic's Fringe is looking for him! The main focus however despite the set backs in recent time is the completion of The Lunatic's Fringe second album "Resurgence" due via Magenta Moon Media summer 2020. From the continuation of The Mr, Fringe Interview (Part 1) with Magenta Moon Media, here is The Mr. Fringe Interview (Part 2 ).

Magenta Moon Media:

Mr, Fringe as we continue to discuss the progress of the next album we wanted to check in with you about Brumby your fearless bass player. Have you found him yet? Has he resurfaced?

Mr. Fringe:

No, he hasn't. However, luckily at this point I'm back to 110%. My mind is crystal clear and my focus is on point. I mention this because this is what is required to find my RNR brother. The Party Of No have really kicked it up a notch with their attack. I don't think the took him but we can't rule out anything. The Party Of No is really scaring people and isolating them. Regular people are afraid to acknowledge that they enjoy RNR. In public social situations, it's correct to say you don't enjoy music especially RNR. To say that you enjoy RNR or any form of music immediately makes you become an outcast. The situation shifts and you are the enemy.

When we came out on the scene before I was captured we were filling that void for people that missed RNR. Going out to a live show can be a great and moving experience. We are a very visual band live, we enjoy entertaining and putting on a theatrical show. We will continue to look for our RNR brother Brumby. We need him to finish the next album and continue our crusade against The Party Of No.

Magenta Moon Media:

How is the new album coming along? You mentioned before this album is going to be a monster. What did you mean by that?

Mr. Fringe:

During my time being captured by The Party Of No, instead of my RNR brothers sitting around being bummed out watching reruns of Cheers they put their aggression and frustrations into the music. Things are moving. The last album, Lost In The Horse Latitude was a band finding it's way and addressing it's frustations of confusion and anger through it's brand of RNR. The second album, Resurgence is a band with a lot of energy and a lot to say. The identity has been identified. This is who we are, We are here because our culture has created us. RNR is supposed to make you get off your ass and move. If the music is doing that, it's doing it's job. I'm very excited to share this monster in 2020. The time and temperature is right for RNR. We're not giving the people what they want, we're giving the people what they need!

Magenta Moon Media:

What do you want to prove with the next album?

Mr. Fringe:

That RNR is not DEAD! The Party Of No continue to promote that RNR is DEAD! But it isn't, it's rising from the ashes of it's former self as a meaner fiercer wrecking machine. You can't listen to the propaganda of the deed news released from The Party Of No. It's not what is currently happening in our culture. They spin the news to their favor. In their eyes and point of view, RNR is DEAD! Obviously we take an entirely opposite approach to that idea. We have the pulse on the underground.

Magenta Moon Media:

When can we expect to see The Lunatic's Fringe LIVE again?

Mr. Fringe:

Expect to see us LIVE early 2020. We have a new stage show and we're ready to bring out the RNR again. It was time missed while I was being held captive. I'm for sure more on my guard now but we also can't live in fear. Music is true freedom! We must live our lives everyday as it is our last.

Magenta Moon Media:

What are you currently listening too now to get the creative juices going? Do you have a favorite album?

Mr. Fringe:

With the recent anniversary of the passing of Lemmy, I've been listening to a lot of Motorhead. I always like to hear the difference in style of Philthy Phil on drums as well as Mikkey Dee. Plus it's great music to wake up too. As far as a favorite album. I really like Inferno from Motorhead. As far far as favorite albums in general. I enjoy getting lost into Rainbow's Rising album. Dio, Ritchie Blackmore, Cozy Powell, Tony Carey and Jimmy Bain. What a band,

Magenta Moon Media:

Where do you see The Lunatic's Fringe as we enter a brand new decade?

Mr Fringe:

I see us carrying the RNR flag for years to come. We know who we are. We are ready to continue our journey and raise the bar for ourselves. We are very excited to share the new music in 2020 with everyone. We are a very visual band and we are ready to showcase the true meaning of RNR! Cheers and Happy New Year!

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